Pågående forskning
Rosenborgklinikken Fysioterapi er involvert i flere forskningsprosjekter, som et ledd i det å kunne tilby våre pasienter den best tilgjengelige behandlingen – i tillegg til en genuin interesse for fagutvikling. Forskning og publikasjoner anses som en viktig del av fagutviklingen ved klinikken.
Fysioterapeutene ved klinikken har forskjellige roller i pågående prosjekter, alt fra prosjektleder og idéutvikler til datainnsamler og utfører av intervensjon.
Håvard Østerås
PubMed (10 siste):
- High- Versus Low-Dose Exercise Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis
- High- Versus Low-Dose Exercise Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis : A Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial
- Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy versus non-surgical or sham treatment in patients with MRI-confirmed degenerative meniscus tears: a systematic review and meta-analysis with individual participant data from 605 randomised patients
- Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy vs non-surgical or sham treatment in patients with MRI-confirmed degenerative meniscus tears: a systematic review and meta-analysis with individual participant data from 605 randomised patients
- Feasibility of high dose medical exercise therapy in patients with long-term symptomatic knee osteoarthritis
- Arthroscopic meniscectomy versus non-surgical or sham treatment in patients with MRI confirmed degenerative meniscus lesions: a protocol for an individual participant data meta-analysis
- Critically appraised paper: Three months of high-intensity aerobic exercise and strength training reduce disease activity in axial spondyloarthritis [commentary]
- The Effect of Medical Exercise Therapy on Pressure Sensitivity in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Cohort Pilot Study
- How does exercise dose affect patients with long-term osteoarthritis of the knee? A study protocol of a randomised controlled trial in Sweden and Norway: the SWENOR Study
- Are randomised control trials best for evaluating the effect of complex physical therapy interventions?
- Internet-delivered physiotherapist-prescribed exercise and pain-coping skills training is beneficial for people with chronic knee pain [commentary]
- Effects of medical exercise therapy in patients with hip osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial with six months follow-up. A pilot study
- What is the effect of a shoulder-strengthening program to prevent shoulder pain among junior female team handball players?
- Exercise therapy may be as effective as arthroscopic partial menisectomy in treating degenerative meniscal tears [commentary]
Fullstendig oversikt over Håvards fagfellevurderte (/PubMed-indekserte) artikler finner du ved å klikke her.
Østerås H og Stensdotter AK. Medisinsk treningslære. Gyldendal, 2020.
Helbostad J, Granbo R, Østerås H. Aldring og bevegelse. Gyldendal, 2018.
Andre publikasjoner:
Paulsberg F, Olsen SE, Østerås H. (2014). En systematisk oversiktsartikkel: Effekten av landbasert treningsterapi hos pasienter med hofteleddsartrose. Fysioterapeuten 5, 22-29.